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1、Many thousands have benefited ____ the new medical system.

A. on

B. in

C. to

D. from

2、Tom might have been killed _______the timely arrival of the police.

A. except for

B. with

C. but for

D. for

3、Students should develop a good attitude _____ tests.

A. for

B. with

C. On

D. towards

4、According to one belief, if truth is to be known it will make itself apparent, so one____wait instead of searching for it.

A. would rather

B. had to

C. cannot but

D. had best

5、Silence is required in this area while an important meeting is_______.

A. under way

B. under control

C. in sight

D. in danger

6、She missed the train because she had been _____ the traffic jam.

A.stuck in

B.stricken in

C.stuck to

D.struck to

7、China _____ greatly in terms of its cultural values over the past five years.


B. is changing

C. has changed

D. had changed

8、Before he fell into the river, he took hold of a small tree on the bank by _____.

A. inspiration

B .instance

C. instinct

D. instruction

9、Staying in a hotel one day cost ______renting a room in an apartment for a week.

A. twice many than

B. twice as much as

C. twice the same as

D. twice as many as

10、There is miserable news that very few people _____ the earthquake.





11、I have no ______ to the plan, so long as it does not cost too much.

A. refusal

B. comment

C. idea

D. objection

12、We are at your service. Don’t _____to turn to us if you have any problems.

A. beg

B. hesitate

C. Desire

D. seek

13、He has a strong _____ of duty.

A. sense

B. emotion

C. passion

D. thought

14、A skilled tennis player knows how to ____ his competitor’s weakness so as to get the final victory.


B.take risk of


D.take advantage of

15、If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get ______.

A. troubled

B. mistaken

C. confused

D. interfered

16、It was only a ________injury,not all that serious.





17、________ the English novels you asked for, I also brought you an English Chinese dictionary.

A.In spite of

B.In addition to

C.In return for

D.Instead of

18、Let him ______the kite.

A. to fly

B. flying

C. flies

D. fly

19、I am very ______ to you for your help.

A. grateful

B. agreeable

C. capable

D. enjoyable

20、Eric has been fortunate to find a job he loves and,____,he gets well paid for it.

A.more or less

B.what's more

C.as a result

D.in any case

21、Since his wife died, he has______ himself into the research work.

A. change

B. dedicated

C. Thrown

D. contributed

22、—Come home before dinner time, Peter!

—I ___, Mom.


B. guess


D. admire

23、This is ________ room, and it is beautiful and lovely.

A. Betty and Sara

B. Betty’s and Sara’s

C. Betty and Sara’s

D. Betty’s and Sara

24、The great success of this programme has been ________ due to the support given by the local businessmen.

A. rather

B. very

C. quickly

D. largely

25、—You were brave enough to raise objection at the meeting.

—Well, now I regret _______ that.

A. to do

B. to be doing

C. to have done

D. having done

26、A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _______ in the kitchen.



C.to smoke


27、Sales of CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, when people _______ to enjoy the advantages of this new technology.

A. begin

B. began

C. have begun

D. had begun

28、Mrs. Lincoln has ______ that she is unable to get a job.

A. such small education

B. so little education

C. a such little education

D. a so small education

29、If it ___ tomorrow, what would we do?


B.were to rain

C.would rain


30、Yesterday we went to an ____park where we were _____by performances that we found _____to watch.

A. amusement, amusing, amused

B. amusement, amused, amusing

C. amusing, amused, amusement

D. amusing, amusing, amusement

31、The government has lost a great deal of _____ because of the large increase in food price.

A. strength

B. support

C. agreement

D. vote

32、Jason likes ________ shape of the cake. It is ________ heart.

A. the;a

B. a;the

C. the;the

D. a;a

33、Nowadays little knowledge __ to be a dangerous thing.

A. seem

B. seemed

C. does seem

D. do seem

34、People are ______ to smoke at a gas station.

A. prevented

B. forbidden

C. Stopped

D. objected

35、Carbon dioxide, which makes a ________ between us and the sun, prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily, so the earth is becoming warmer.

A. difference

B. comparison

C. connection

D. barrier

36、The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents' _____.

A. command

B. conviction

C. consent

D. compromise

37、Last year the advertising rate __________ by 20 percent.

A. raised

B. aroused

C. arose

D. rose

38、Her great dream of becoming a writer has finally become a ______.





39、The weather report ______ rain last night, but it turned out fine.

A. predicted

B. assessed

C. evaluated

D. judged

40、Children and old people do not like having their daily ______ upset.

A. habit

B. practice

C. routine

D. custom

41、The girl has a great interest in sport and ____ badminton classes twice a week over the last three years.

A. took

B. is taking

C. takes

D. has been taking

42、He had never given a speech to so many people, so he felt _______.

A. exciting

B. stupid

C. disappointed

D. nervous

43、The filling station _______ because there were too many others on the street.

A. fell through

B. went under

C. fell out

D. went through

44、George _________ too far . His coffee is still warm.

A. must have gone

B. might have gone

C. can't have gone

D. needn't have gone

45、Birds _____ when there isn't enough food for them.

A. starve

B. are starving

C. starved

D. starves

46、If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get _______.

A. troubled

B. mistaken

C. confused

D. interfered

47、It is very important for us ______ English well.

A. learn

B. learning

C. to learn

D. learned

48、Mike's English teacher ______ to one daily newspaper and one weekly magazine.

A. prescribed

B. subscribed

C. Described

D. Transcribed

49、When I handed the report to John, he said that George was the person _______.

A. to send

B. for sending it

C. to send it to

D. for sending it to

50、Now, everybody, please turn to Page ________ and look at the ________ picture.

A. fifth; five

B. five; fifth

C. fifth; fifth

D. five; five




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